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Captura de pantalla 2023-10-12 a les 10.02.07.png

Ad Completorium, a Solemn Compline by
J. Cererols (1618 – 1680)

Works by Cererols, Karlsen, López
Palestrina and T. L. de Victoria

Formation: choir (8 singers) and positive organ

Duration: 60’00’’ without pause

Complines are the final prayers of the day in what is known as the Liturgy of the Hours in monasteries, still celebrated today. This is an office said just before bedtime, and it is likely for this reason that the chosen texts for setting to music are unusually evocative, suggestive, and almost magical. These are texts where the fears of the night are expressed, where monsters and the fear of darkness are spoken of. In others, with beautiful words of peace and trust like the Canticle of Simeon, it reveals the need to feel accompanied and protected during the hours of slumber.

While the polyphonic renditions of this liturgy have fallen into disuse over time, in earlier centuries, they served as inspiration to compose brilliant and unique choral music. The Double Choir Solemn Compline by J. Cererols (1618 - 1680), now recovered by Cor Cererols, are a rare and beautiful example of this ancient tradition. The fact that we are unaware of the exact feast for which they were written, far from discouraging us, allows us to envision their use for a wide range of celebrations,complementing Cererols' majestic polyphonic compositions with works ranging from the earliest Gregorian chants to contemporary avant-garde.

Fragment of the concert at the Vall de'n Bas, 2023


Congratulamini mihi | T. L. de Victoria (1548 – 1611)

Compline | J. Cererols (1618 – 1680)

Introduction and lecture (gregorian)


Psalm 4: Cum invocarem

Psalm 90: Qui habitat

Psalm 133: Ecce nunc


Hymn: Te lucis ante terminum


Chapter: In manus tuas (gregorian)


Antiphon for the Chanticle: Salva Nos – G. P. da Palestrina (1525 – 1594)

Canticle of Simeon: Nunc dimittis

“Versos para la entrada de la Salve” – P. Miquel López (1669 – 1723)

Antiphon: Salve Regina a 8

Motets to the Virgin | T. L. de Victoria

Ave Maria a 8

Nigra sum a 6

Sancta Maria sucurre miseris a 4

Solemn Compline to the Virgin:
Cererols and Victoria


O magnum mysterium | Kjell Mørk Karlsen (1947)

Compline | J. Cererols (1618 – 1680)

Introduction and lecture (gregorian)


Psalm 4: Cum invocarem

Psalm 90: Qui habitat

Psalm 133: Ecce nunc


Hymn: Te lucis ante terminum


Chapter: In manus tuas (gregorian)


Antiphon for the Chanticle: Salva Nos – G. P. da Palestrina (1525 – 1594)

Canticle of Simeon: Nunc dimittis

“Versos para la entrada de la Salve” – P. Miquel López (1669 – 1723)

Antiphon: Salve Regina a 8


Villancico: Serafín que con dulce harmonía a 8


Ave Maria a 8 | T. L. de Victoria (1548 – 1611)

O magnum mysterium | T. L. de Victoria

Magi viderunt stellam | T. L. de Victoria

Solemn Compline for
Christmas time:
Cererols, Karlsen, Victoria


07. 11. 21

Concert at St. Vicenç dels Horts

09. 11. 22

Dedication of the Archbasilica of Saint John Lateran, Rome (Italy)

22. 07. 23

Festival de La Vall d’en Bas (Sant Esteve d’en Bas)

06. 08. 23

La Pedra Parla, Vallbona de les Monges

17. 08. 23

Festival Pedra Viva, Menorca

09. 12. 24

Palau de la Música Catalana


27. 12. 24

III Festival Internacional de Cant Coral Ciutat de Terrassa




"Cor Cererols, music close to heaven"

“Eight voices masterfully directed by Marc Díaz, filled the temple with a balanced, powerful, delicate, extremely tuned harmonic play, which sounded like a single vocal body, perfectly assembled.

Maria Camps

Vallbona de les Monges concert

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© Cor Cererols

Resource images Åkerblom Studio

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