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Captura de pantalla 2023-10-12 a les 10_

Gombert's redemption

Works by N. Gombert, C. de Morales,
J. Desprez and J. Clemens non Papa

Formation: choir (12 choir) and positive organ

Duration: 60’00’’ without pause

Media vita in morte sumus...

According to a contemporary physician and mathematician Jerome Cardan, writing in Theonoston, in 1540 N. Gombert (c. 1495 – c. 1560), one of the most prominent musicians of the generation of composers spanning from J. Desprez to Palestrina, was convicted of sexual contact with a boy in his care and was sentenced to hard labor in the galleys. The same source asserts that years later, thanks to a new and brilliant collection of Magnificats, Emperor Charles V - for whom he had worked in the Royal Chapel - granted him a pardon.

Following the structure of his famous Mass "Media vita in morte sumus" - in the midst of life, we find death - and through some of the most moving notes of penitential music of his time, this program sonorously revives an ancient story of penance and redemption.

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I. Fall

Media vita in norte summus | N. Gombert (1495 – 1560) 7’30’’

Kyrie de la misa “Media vita” | N. Gombert 4’30’’

II. Penitence

De profundis a 5| J. Desprez (1450 – 1521)

Heu mihi | J. Clemens non Papa (1510 – 1555)

Quanti mercenarii | C. de Morales (1500 – 1553)

Job tonso capite | J. Clemens non Papa

III. Forgiveness

Salva nos Domine | J. Mouton (1459 – 1522)

Agnus Dei de la misa “Media vita” | N. Gombert 5’30’’

Magnificat primi toni | N. Gombert 12’00’’


Tous les regretz | N. Gombert


18. 07. 21

Festival Fringe de Torroella de Mongrí

23. 02. 22

Sant Boi del Llobregat (JM de Cataluña)

20. 05. 22

Sabadell, Teatro Principal (JM de Cataluña)

21. 05. 22

Espurnes Barroques, Sant Martí Sesgueioles

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© Cor Cererols

Resource images Åkerblom Studio

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